All technical communication myths in place.


  1. A technical writer with years of experience knows more than one with less experience
  2. Abbreviations can be used frequently
  3. All types of writing require the same skills
  4. Audiences are static
  5. Avoid repetition
  6. Be careful about having a blog, because all employers will read it
  7. Callouts should not be used in graphics
  8. Different floats should be numbered independently
  9. Documentation is a cost center
  10. Documentation review can wait (until after more important tasks)
  11. Front matter must use different page numbers than the content
  12. Good documentation can fix a bad interface or design
  13. Good technical documentation requires use of several sophisticated tools
  14. No one reads technical docs
  15. Stem sentences are not necessary in technical content
  16. Tech writing is easy
  17. Technical documentation is a writing intensive job
  18. Technical writers need a technical background and sound domain knowledge
  19. Technical writing is not creative
  20. There is an optimum number of steps
  21. Transitional text plays no role in most technical content
  22. Writing takes a lot of time
  23. You can't talk to SMEs
  24. You can't use contracted forms of verbs

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