All technical communication myths in place.

Avoid repetition

Using the same word to mean something that’s used frequently should be avoided. Use synonyms to mix it up and keep it interesting.


Furia (Ten myths about technical writing) describes how this is a rule to keep reading interesting and illustrates how application of this rule can become unintentionally comedic. He then cites Strunk and White (1999) to say that a single word should be used to mean a single topic to improve clarity and prevent confusion.

Survival tips

Follow the style guide. For technical communication be clear and consistent with your terms.


This looks less like a myth and more like a rule for one genre (creative writing) being applied, inappropriately, to another (technical writing).



Strunk, W. J. & White, E. B. (1999). The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition. Boston: Pearson.

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