All technical communication myths in place.

Be careful about having a blog, because all employers will read it

Technical writers who work as an employee should not have a blog presence.


Johnson (14 Widespread Myths about Technical Writing) describes how an embarrassing online presence, such as a blog, could be found by employers and used as a reason to let you go. He posted this in 2008, when Facebook was still young, and describes what we might describe today the cost of not exercising prudence when posting content online. He suggests that posting quality content can work in your favor, however.

Survival tips

It’s been said since the invention of e-mail, that you shouldn’t post anything online that you don’t want the whole world to see. True then. True now.


This seems like a case of overgeneralizing from “don’t post derrogatory, offensive, inflamatory, or embarrasing content online (e.g. a MySpace site)” to “don’t post anything online,” which, as Johnson describes, is going overboard.



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